Looking for a New Take on Trout Tartar? Leonhard Becker has it.

Not much luck in asking me for trout tartar recipes.
 I am not a chef and an only adequate cook.
However, I do like to eat and that is what my blog is about.
Behind the French Menu

My post on trout on French menus: http://behind-the-french-menu.blogspot.co.m/2013/04/truite-trout-on-french-menus-behind.html was followed by many requests for recipes for trout tartar.

I made a few suggestions; but then a completely new  take on a versions of trout tartar caught my eye:
The Swiss chef, Leonhard Becker has a recipe that made my mouth water:

Tartar of trout cuit à la nage with crunchy fish skin triangles

Now I have to find a restaurant that has this dish on its menu while those who wanted a  a recipe for trout tartar can make it themselves. Tell me how it comes out.  See Leonhard's post for this recipe:

Behind the French Menu

Bryan Newman
Copyright 2013

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