Jambon – Ham. The Ten Most Popular Air-Cured Hams on French Menus. Ham in French Cuisine.

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  1. When I was young (17 years old) I lived as an exchange student in the south of France in Château de Parentignat.
    They had a ham that was cured by putting it in a sack of ashes from the fireplace for 6 months. It was excellent!
    Have you heard of this way of curing ham? I am interested in trying.
    Jim Dorchak

  2. Hi Jim,

    Thank you for your comments. I knew that Parentignat had a wonderful Chateau, but I never managed to have the time to visit.

    The Auvergne; however, has quite a few cured hams, but none there (or elsewhere) that is well-known for letting the ham cure in ashes. The ham that is seen all over is their much praised Jambon cru d'Auvergne, the cured ham of the Auvergne. That ham (along with their sausages) is cured for at least nine months and up to 16.

    There are hams, and that would include the ham you saw, that have limited production and sell all they can make to a local audience.

    I am sorry that I cannot offer more information, but even Google (in French) did not come up with anything.


