En Croûte (En Croute) - Cooked and Served Inside a Pastry or Herbal Casing. En Croûte in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Paté en croûte
Pate covered with a pastry covering
Photograph courtesy of Anne-Renée Mauuarin.
The terrine was made by Gilles Verot,Paris.
En croûte initially only indicated dishes that had been cooked, or finished cooking, inside pastry or in a hollowed out loaf of bread.  Today's creative chefs have moved on and apart from pastry and bread dishes en croûte may be prepared with coverings from vegetables, herbs or fruits. Dishes en croûte may also include toasted dishes that are also sometimes called a croustade. The word Croûte, on its own, is the French word for toasted and or a crust.
En Croûte on French menus:
Filet de Bœuf aux Cèpes En Croûte – A filet of beef prepared with porcini mushrooms served inside a pastry or bread covering.
Filets de Daurade Royale, Sauvage de Méditerranée, En Croûte de Noix, Pressé d'Endives au Choux Vert et Bacon, Crème de Moutarde Douce –  Filets of  wild Gilthead Seabream from the Mediterranean, prepared inside a crust made from walnuts, pressed endives,  cabbage and bacon; all served with a creamy, mild, mustard sauce.  On this menu, the emphasis on wild gilthead sea bream is making clear to the diner that this fish comes from the open sea and not from a fish-farm.  Fish are very much affected by what they eat and where they eat; the chef who wrote this menu listing is also making it clear that this fish came from close to France’s shores.

Saumon en croûte
L'Escalope de Foie Gras Poêlée En Croûte de Pain d'Épices Jus au Miel – A slice of very lightly fried fattened duck's liver served in a crust of gingerbread with a sauce made from the gravy of the fried liver with added honey.

Canard foie gras et figues en croûte.
Fattened duck's liver with figs en croûte,
Pavé de Veau En Croûte de Thym et Citron, Carottes Glacées- A thick cut of veal cooked inside a covering of thyme and lemon and served with glazed carrots.

Carré d'agneau en croûte de moutarde
Carré d'Agneau Rôti En Croute de Sésame, Jus de Viande au ThymA rack of lamb roasted in a sesame covering and served with gravy made from the natural cooking juices with added veal stock and flavored with thyme.
Brie en croute
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman




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