Aiguillette on French Menus. Aiguillettes are Slices and the Word Describes How a Dish is Served.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Aiguillettes de Bœuf
Aiguillette was originally used for slices of beef, but now will be on menus for slices of chicken, duck and even fish.  In any case, read the menu carefully as there is also a cut for roast beef with the name aiguillette.
Aiguillette de Boeuf on your menu will usually indicate slices from a rump steak.  N.B. The North American and UK rump steaks do not come from the same cut.  In France, a rump steak will be barded while cooking; meaning that it will be tied around with fat to prevent it drying out as naturally this cut has little fat.  The result is that French cuts from the rump, when roasted or served as steaks, will usually be tastier than similar cuts at home. The cut used for an aiguillette de bœuf is also the preferred cut for the chopped or ground beef used for a steak tartare.

Aiguillettes on French Menus:
Aiguillettes de Bœuf aux Girolles Slices of beef served with wild chanterelle mushrooms.
Aiguillettes de Salers Braisée  – Braised slices of beef from the Salers breed of cattle. The cows from the Salers breed produce the milk for the famous Cantal and Salers AOC cheeses from the Auvergne. Despite the cow’s fame for their milk, historically they have always been bred both for their milk and their beef. 

Sliced duck in red wine, grapes, and thyme
served with asparagus and potatoes.
Aiguillettes (L’) de Rumsteck en Croûte d’Herbes FraîchesThe rumsteck here is covered in herbes and then roasted. You will be served slices.  When finding a dish on the menu like this ask more about it Those who do not ask may well be missing out on an excellent meal.
Aiguillettes de Canard – Slices of duck, usually slices of duck breast. Duck breast in French is Magret de Canard.
Aiguillettes de Canard, Sauce Montmorency – Slices of duck breast served with Sauce Montmorency. The sauce is made with Montmorency (sour) cherries made with orange juice, sweet berries, and kirsch. The area of Montmorency, once famous for its cherry orchards,  has given its name to a type of sour cherry. Montmorency itself is now a bedroom suburb just 14 kms (9 miles)  from the center of Paris.
Aiguillettes de Canard.   FF
Aiguillette de Saint-Pierre et Crumble de Noisettes, Topinambour Jus de Volaille Acidulé -  A fillet of John Dory, the fish, served with a crumble made with hazelnuts, Jerusalem artichokes, and a slightly acidic veal sauce.
Aiguillette de Saumon – Slices of salmon.
Photograph courtesy of Alpha

Brochette d'Aiguillettes de Volaille Marinées à l'Huile d'Olive and Citron Vert Skewers of slices of chicken breast marinated in olive oil and lime.
Ris de Veau, Aiguillettes de Poulet, Champignons, Crème, Porto  – Veal sweetbreads served with slices of chicken and button mushrooms; accompanied by a cream sauce flavored with Port Wine.
Salade d'Aiguillettes de Canard au Sésame Déglacées au Vinaigre Balsamique de Modène -  A salad of slices of duck breast with a sauce made with sesame oil deglazed with Balsamic Vinegar from Modena.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


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