Épaule d'Agneau – Shoulder of Lamb in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

      Braised shoulder of lamb
Épaule d'Agneau or Épaule d'Agneau Entièr –  Shoulder of lamb; the shoulder will include part of the front leg.  Shoulder of lamb is popular in French restaurants, and while it is less expensive than most other cuts, it is equally flavorful.   
Lamb shoulder on French Menus:
Épaule d'Agneau Cuit à la Broche -  Shoulder of lamb cooked on a spit.
Épaule d'Agneau Cuite Entière avec l'Os aux Herbes (Pour 3 ou 4 Personnes) – A whole,  very small shoulder of lamb, probably weighing around 1.2 5 kilos (2.8 lbs) cooked with the bone, which is half of the weight, and flavored with herbs. This menu listing is offered for three or four diners ordering together. 
Barbecued shoulder of lamb.
N.B.:   In France, restaurants will only begin to cook a shoulder of lamb when ordered; for a small shoulder, that is about an hour before serving.  In a good French restaurant, one hour is about the time needed to enjoy your apéritif, hors d’oeuvres, and entrée, the French first course.  Slow-cooked roasts are, obviously, ready, and they will have been cooked for at least four hours, many for much longer.  French restaurants expect their customers to take close to two to two-and-a-half hours over dinner, and the service will be timed so the diners do not feel pressured.  The choicest restaurants have only one dinner service and that may be spread over three hours or more.
Epaule d'Agneau de Lait Confite de Quatre Heures - A Shoulder of milk-fed lamb slowly cooked for four hours. A milk-fed lamb on the menu is nearly always young males. France produces lots of sheep’s cheese, and the young males will not grow up to produce milk.
Slow-roasted shoulder of lamb
Épaule d'Agneau de Pré-Salé du Mont St Michel Au Cidre AOP de Pays d'Auge – Shoulder of  Pré-Salé lamb from Mont St Michel (in Normandy) cooked in the AOP cider of the Pays d”Auge. Pre-sale lamb from Mont St Michel are raised in the salt meadows close to the Island of Mont St Michel on France’s Atlantic coast in Manche, Normandy. The Pay’s d’Auge AOP cider comes from the department of Calvados in Normandy.
Épaule d'Agneau Désossée - A deboned shoulder of lamb.
Epaule d'Agneau Doucement Confite, Jus Corsé aux Arômates – Lamb shoulder, very slowly cooked and served with a gravy made from the natural cooking juices and herbs. Confit in French cuisine has quite a number of meanings, though all of them indicate a method of cooking and, in some cases, preserving foods. (For more about confit in French cuisine, click here).
Le Médaillon d'Épaule d'Agneau et sa Crème d'Ail – Round or oval cuts of lamb taken from the shoulder and served with a cream of garlic sauce.


Slow-cooked boneless lamb roast.

Agneau Boulangère – A slowly baked shoulder of lamb and the word boulangère means a baker's wife.  The dish earned its name from the time when slow-cooked dishes would be placed in a baker's oven after that day's bread had been baked and allowed to cook slowly as the oven cooled.

A shoulder of lamb is often very slowly cooked until the meat is nearly falling off the bone. In France, lamb chops, rack of lamb, and other cuts may be lightly cooked, as the French prefer their lamb slightly pink; however, lamb shoulder is always well done.
Lamb shoulder in the languages of France’s neighbors: 
(Catalan -   espatlla de xai), (Dutch - lamsschouder),(German – lammschulter), (Italian - spalla di agnello), (Spanish - paletilla de cordero).
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman
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