Canon - A Canon. Canons on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


A Canon of Veal Flavored with Honey and Cinnamon
Photograph courtesy of Marmiton

Canon de Veau - A canon of Veal
The cut called a canon began with a deboned cut from either a leg or a loin of veal. The deboned cut of veal was rolled to look like a canon, and usually, it is stuffed. Good things in French cuisine do not remain without other French chefs creating variations of the original, and after the Canon de Veau, the canon of veal, came the Canon d’agneau, the canon of lamb.  After that, there was no stopping the canons, and now it is no longer only the loin or the leg of lamb or veal.  French chefs achieve the same look with other cuts. Now there are small canons of poultry and even canons of fish.
Canons on French menus:

Canon de Veau Farci aux Cèpes– A de-boned veal loin rolled and stuffed with French porcini mushrooms.

Canon de Chevreuil au Poivre Noir – A canon of farmed roe deer flavored with black pepper. N.B. If the roe deer on this menu has been caught in the wild, the menu would have read “chevreuil sauvage.”
Canon de Volaille Farci au Foie de Volaille Flambé au Cognac, Sauce au Riesling  – A poultry canon, almost certainly turkey, stuffed with chicken liver prepared with a sauce made with Riesling wine and flambéed with Cognac.

Canon of Stuffed Turkey.
Canon d'Épaule d'Agneau au Miel et Romarin, Jus d'Agneau à l'Ail – A canon made with a shoulder of lamb flavored with honey and rosemary served with the natural lamb cooking juices, the jus course,  flavored with garlic.

Canon d’Agneau En-Croute
Canon de Lotte en Robe de Serrano – A cannon of monkfish tail covered in Serrano ham.
Canon de Lapereau Poêlé, Fondue d’Échalotes et Persil Frit – A canon of braised farm raised hare served with a shallot jam and fried parsley.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2017

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