Radis du Daikon – The Daikon, Japanese or Chinese radish. Daikon on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



The daikon radish.

  Daikon or Radis du Daikon 
The Daikon, Japanese or Chinese radish, sometimes called the white radish or giant radish. Daikon is a mild radish unless it is pickled to make it spicy; it served both fresh and cooked.   French chefs use the daikon like other radishes as well as creating recipes that emphasize the daikon’s different texture. The cresson daikon, daikon cress, the tasty young daikon shoots are also added to salads.
These radishes originated in China, and there are a number of varieties with the most popular looking somewhat like a large white carrot.
A cross section of a daikon radish.
The daikon radish on French menus:

Rougets Barbet Croustillants, Daikon et Agrumes à la Coriandre – Crisply fried red mullet, the fish, served with daikon radish and citrus fruits flavored with coriander.
Pickled daikon and carrots.
Carpaccio de Filet Angus au Poivre avec sa Choucroute de Daikon et Aïoli Carpaccio made from slices of a fillet, the US tenderloin, of peppered Angus beef served with a choucroute made with pickled daikon flavored with aioli. (The original choucroute is an Alsatian version of the German saukraut and is made with pickled cabbage; here thinly sliced daikon will have been pickled to create the daikon choucroute).
Truite Saumonée Confite Basse Température, Mousseline de Daïkon au Chèvre Frais, Sel de Kombu - Salmon trout cooked slowly at a low temperature and served with a  very light moose made with daikon and fresh goat’s cheese and a sea salt infused with kombu seaweed.
A large size daikon.

Le Poulpe, Pickles d'Oignons, Radis Daikon et Jus et Boudin Basque - Octopus served with pickled onions and daikon with a natural gravy along with spicy Basque pork sausages.

Poulet Grillé, Concombre, Laitue, Carottes Et Daikons Marinés, Fines Herbes – Grilled chicken accompanied by carrots, lettuce, carrots and marinated daikon flavored with France’s most favored herb group Les Fine Herbes.
A daikon choucroute.
Noix De Saint Jacques, Betterave, Daikon - The meat of the king scallop served with beetroot and daikon.
Agneau Fermier, Salsifis, Daïkon Aigre Doux,  Ail Noir – Farm raised lamb served with salsify, (the oyster plant),  sweet and sour pickled daikon and black garlic.
Daikon in the languages of France’s neighbors:
(Catalan -  daikon, rave del Japó), (Dutch - daikon ), (German - daikon-rettich, Japanischer riesenrettich), (Italian -  daikon radice), (Spanish - rábano Japonés, rábano Chino).

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


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1 comment:

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