Corne d'Abondance, Craterelles or Trompette des Morts, - The Horn of Plenty, the Black Chanterelle and the Black Trumpet Mushroom. French Mushrooms VII

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

The black chanterelle mushroom
In France, this tasty trumpet-shaped, hollow, mushroom has a pleasant smell with a creamy and woody taste.  Fresh horn of plenty mushrooms will be on many menus in France from August through November.  This fungus loves France as there are many oak and chestnut forests where after the rains they may appear in significant numbers.
The family of Chanterelle mushrooms
The black trumpet mushroom belongs to the family of Chanterelle mushrooms; there are about 70 species of Chanterelle mushrooms around the world, and of the nearly ten family members found in Europe all are edible. The black trumpet mushroom will be found in black, black and white, dark brown or blue-gray and has the shape of a hollow trumpet or horn.

The horn of plenty mushrooms in the woods.

The post on France’s Chanterelle mushrooms:
I have written a post on the three chanterelle mushrooms most often seen on French menus. In that post I did not include this mushroom, the black chanterelle, the horn of plenty; black trumpet mushroom, it deserved a separate link. 
The other family members most often seen on French menus include:
The Chanterelle Girolle, the chanterelle; the Chanterelle Gris, the trumpet chanterelle; and the Chanterelle à Pied Jaune, the yellow foot chanterelle.  To follow the link to that post click here.

The Corne d’Abondance, Craterelles or Trompette des Morts mushroom on French Menus:
Suprême Poulet Poché, Sauce Veloutée aux Craterelles et sa Boule de Riz  - Poached chicken breast served with a velvety black trumpet mushroom sauce and a bowl of rice.
Filet Mignon au Pinot Noir et Craterelles - Pork fillet, a cut from the tenderloin, in a pinot noir wine sauce served with theblack trumpet mushroom.

Le Suprême de Pintadeau et ses Légumes Cuisinés à la Crème de Craterelles – Breast of Guinea fowl and vegetables cooked in a creamy sauce from the black trumpet mushroom.

Guinea fowl with horn of plenty mushrooms.
Terrine de Sanglier aux Trompettes des Morts A pate of farm-raised wild boar prepared with the black trumpet mushrooms.

Filet de Bœuf, Jus aux Trompettes de la Mort et Salsifis A fillet of beef, (a cut from the tenderloin), served with its natural cooking juices and accompanied by the black trumpet mushroom and salsify,  the oyster plant.

Filet de Truite au Beurre de Trompette de Mort, Sauce Riesling A filet of trout, this will be the Arc-en-Ciel, the rainbow trout,  prepared in a compound butter with a black trumpet mushrooms and serve with a Riesling wine sauce.

Petit Risotto Crémeux de Trompettes des Morts – A small creamy risotto made with the black trumpet mushrooms.

Horn of plenty mushroom risotto,
The origin of the name the Corne d'Abonance, the Horn of Plenty.

The Corne d'Abondance, the horn of plenty, is the mythical horn of plenty, the Cornucopia from Greek mythology.  The story of the Cornucopia is one of the most popular myths linked to Zeus the King of the Greek gods.  As the story goes the baby Zeus was hidden in a cave on the Island of Crete, and there he was fed by a goddess Amalthea who appeared as a goat and fed Zeus her milk. The baby Zeus already had magical powers, and when he broke Amalthea‘s horn, he gave her, in repentance, the gift of the horn of plenty.  The Cornucopia is a horn that would always be overflowing with fruits, meats, vegetables and wine at the owner's desire. The shape of the cornucopia has become an international symbol of plenty and part of the flag of a number of nations.

A Cornucopia

Checking the wild  mushrooms, you have found while in France
Every town and village in France have a trained mycologist, a volunteer mushroom expert, and local pharmacists have these expert’s addresses. Regular mushroom gatherers may easily spot the difference as look-alike mushrooms are poisonous and can make you very very sick!  In the kitchens of France’s restaurant's wild mushrooms, of all types, may be on the menu and chefs only buy wild mushrooms that have been clearly identified by their ramasseurs de champignons, their professional mushroom gatherers. 

NB. If you gather wild mushrooms when in France, do not eat any that have not been checked!!!

Horn of plenty mushrooms may be dried and retain much of their flavor, however, fresh they should be eaten or dried within 24 hours of being collected.

One of the mushroom’s French names is the Trompette des Morts, and that, unfortunately, translates into English as the “Trumpet of the Dead” though this mushroom is not poisonous. It second and third French names sound much better:  Corne d’Abondance means Horn of Plenty, and Craterelle is a link to its Latin name craterellus cornucopioides’ take your pick; it is mostly called the black trumpet mushroom in English.

Black Chanterelle mushrooms, radicchio,
and Talegio Italian cheese
The black trumpet mushroom  in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan – trompeta or trompeta de la mort ), (Dutch –doodstrompet,  hoorn van overvloed),  (German – totentrompete, herbsttrompete), (Italian - trombetta dei morti, orno dell'abondanza), (Spanish - cuerno de la abundancia; trompeta de los muertos).
(Latin - craterellus cornucopioides)

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

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