En Papillote – Dishes Cooked While Enclosed in a Wrapping to Keep all the Flavors in.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

Just opened, chicken en papillote.
Dishes that are prepared en papillote are wrapped in parchment paper (grease-proof paper), aluminum foil or the see-through Carta Fata cooking film and then cooked in an oven.  Inside the wrapping will be all the herbs, spices and vegetables. The bag puffs up while cooking but remains sealed, and all the moisture and flavors remain. Restaurants that offer dishes en papillote open them in front of the diner.  The release of the aroma creates a sensory moment that other cooking techniques cannot match.
Salmon with Chanterelle mushrooms.

En Papillote on French Menus:

Crevettes et Citronnelle en Papillote de Feuille de Bananier Shrimps flavored with lemon grass, wrapped and cooked inside banana leaves.
Filet de Loup en Papillote aux Petits Légumes et Tomates Séchées  - A filet of European sea bass cooked en papillote with baby vegetables and dried tomatoes.
Halibut en papillote
Filet de Truite en Papillote, Sauce Citron Vert –  A filet of trout cooked en papillote with a lime sauce.

Pommes de Terre En Papillote – Potatoes in their jackets cooked inside aluminum foil.
Poulet en Papillote de Feuilles Aromatiques – A young chicken cooked inside aromatic leaves.
Crystal papillote with shrimps, baby vegetables, and soy sauce.
Some dishes prepared en papillote may be cooked in a thin pastry or in vegetables like escarole, which has broad leaves. In the French Caribbean and Indian Ocean islands and in fusion dishes banana leaves may be used.

(Papillote is also the French name used for the paper frills you may see on the top of  cutlets or chops).

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman 
Copyright 2010, 2017, 2023.

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