Artichaut de Jérusalem or Topinambour - The Jerusalem Artichoke or Sunchoke on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman 

Jerusalem artichokes ready for the chef.
Photograph courtesy of  Marco Verch.

The Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke has no connection to other artichokes.

The Jerusalem artichoke is a tuber. It is not related to the globe artichoke, whose family includes the cardoon and thistles. The Jerusalem artichoke or sunchoke is higher up the social ladder as it is related to the sunflower. We may pick the flowers, but the part we eat is the underground tuber. Raw it looks rather like ginger root, to which it is not related.

The taste of the Jerusalem artichoke.

Uncooked Jerusalem artichokes have a crunchy, white flesh with a nutty, sweet flavor and are often part of a salad. When cooked, Jerusalem artichokes make excellent soups and may be served mashed or fried as a garnish.

Jerusalem artichoke flowers.
Painted by Claude Monet (1880).
National Art Gallery Washington DC.
Photograph courtesy of EdUthman

The Jerusalem artichoke on French menus:


Chapon Contisé de Truffes,  Châtaignes et Artichauts de Jérusalem – A capon, that is a rooster, a cockerel, castrated as a chick and then fattened. Here the capon, the star of the show, will weigh at least 2.50 kilos (5.50lbs). It is cooked with truffles,  chestnuts, and the Jerusalem artichoke cut into small pieces and inserted into slits, contisé in French; so they add flavor as the capon cooks. Capons have tender meat and are usually roasted. You will be served part of the breast or portion of a leg; a capon is a large bird.


Carré d'Agneau Rôti en Légère Croûte d'Ail,  Artichauts de Jérusalem en Purée, Légumes Frais et Jus - A rack of lamb slowly roasted with a covering of garlic and accompanied by fresh vegetables and the natural cooking juices. A croute is a covering, and a croûte d'ail is a garlic-flavored covering. The garlic will have been boiled to remove any heavy garlic taste. Then, before roasting, the lamb is covered with a lightly flavored garlic covering made by combining mashed garlic with mashed potatoes or pastry. 


Filet de Rouget Barbet, Artichaut de Jérusalem  - A filet of red mullet served with the Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke soup with hazelnut, garlicchives.
Photograph courtesy of Edsel Little.


Mignon de Veau au Beurre de Thym Citron et sa Purée d'Artichauts de Jérusalem  Round cuts from a veal filet prepared with a lemon thyme herb butter and a puree of Jerusalem artichokes. Here the lemon thyme butter is served, as a condiment, on top of the fillet, and it will flavor the veal as it melts.


N.B. The French word mignon means cute and dainty, and the term filet mignon is rarely used in France for beef. If it is used for veal, the menu will indicate veau, veal.


A veal cutlet, escalope, or scallop of veal would be an escalope de veau or paillard de veau. A filet mignon, just those two words together, without any other identification, in France, is a cut from a pork fillet. If you want a cut from a beef fillet or a veal fillet mignon in France, make sure the menu clearly indicates your preference. The North American fillet mignon will be a filet de boeuf in French. The thick center of a beef fillet is saved for a tournedos, a Chateaubriand, or a cœur de filet, the heart of the fillet. These different uses may cause confusion, but the French own the words "filet mignon," and so on its own, a filet mignon will indicate a pork fillet.

A Jerusalem artichoke pie.
Photograph courtesy of  Ewan Munro.


Noix de Saint-Jacques de Plongée,  Panais,  Topinambours et Salsifis  – The meat of the king scallop, collected by divers. The scallop meat will have been very lightly fried and is served with parsnips, Jerusalem artichokes, and salsify. Diving for scallops saves the ocean floor. Fishing boats seeking scallops use dredges that destroy the seafloor, the source of food for many fish. The vegetable salsify is not well known outside mainland Europe. Salsify also called the oyster plant, is a root vegetable both cultivated and found growing wild near seashores. There are two types of salsify, but they taste the same. At some point in time, someone thought its texture or taste was like an oyster. I have enjoyed salsify and oysters separately on more than a few occasions, and I could not associate the texture or taste of salsify with oysters. Salsify's taste is somewhat similar to asparagus, and well-cooked its texture will be similar to other well-cooked root vegetables. In this menu listing, the scallops are identified as "Noix de Saint Jacques," indicating that only the scallop's meat will be served. The scallop's attractive shell will not be part of the dish.

Carrots, onions, and Jerusalem artichokes
Photograph courtesy of  Laurel F


Veloute de Panais et Topinambour  A velvety soup of parsnips and the Jerusalem artichoke.

Where the Jerusalem artichoke originated.

The Jerusalem artichoke originated in North America, where it still grows wild. That is a long way from Jerusalem in the Middle East. The French colonists in Canada learned about these tubers from Native Americans and immediately began to cultivate them. They also sent plants back home to France. The Jerusalem artichoke is related to the sunflower, and when you see their flowers, you will make the connection.

The flowers of the Jerusalem artichoke.
Photograph courtesy of Maja Dumat

Who gave this tuber its two French names,
The Artichauts de Jérusalem and Topinambour?

How the French Canadian colonists turned this tuber into the Jerusalem artichoke is much disputed. The French blame the Italians; the Italians blame the French. The second name the French Canadians gave is Topinambor which is the name of a Brazilian tribe! When the French were introduced to this plant in the 17th century, there would have been very few Italians walking around in Canada naming plants and no Brazilian tribes. 

Some stories link the settlers’ use of the name artichoke to their letters home. There they compared the taste of the cooked tuber to an artichoke heart. However, that does not explain Jerusalem or that Brazilian tribe. There are other stories, but they seem rather farfetched, and I have not included them.  The real stories behind the French names for this tuber remain a mystery, and whatever the reasoning behind the various names, this tuber is very tasty.

The Jerusalem artichoke, the topinmabor, in the languages of France’s neighbors:   

(Catalan - pataca  or patata de canya),(Dutch - topinamboer, knolzonnebloem of Jeruzalemartisjok),  (German - topinambur), (Italian – tupinambur, patata del Canadà, carciofo di Gerusalemme), (Spanish - tupinambo, pataca).


Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman
Copyright 2010, 2015, 2021

Searching for the meaning of words, names or phrases
a French menu? 

Just add the word, words, or phrase that you are searching for to the words "Behind the French Menu" (best when including the inverted commas), and search with Google.  Behind the French Menu’s links, include hundreds of words, names, and phrases that are seen on French menus. There are over 450 articles that include over 4,000 French dishes with English translations and explanations. 

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Artichaut - Artichoke. Artichokes in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



The globe artichoke.
In France, a similar artichoke is called the Camus de Bretagne
Photograph courtesy of 305 Seahill.

Artichaut - The artichoke.

In France, artichokes will be on far more menus than in North America or the UK. That should not be too surprising as there are many more varieties of artichokes on sale in France.

The artichoke season

The season for most artichokes varieties, which are members of the thistle family, is from April through September. Fortunately, other artichoke varieties are imported at other times. As far as most of us are concerned, with a few notable exceptions (for example, the small violet artichoke from Provence), most artichokes look somewhat similar and affect the taste of different dishes in a relatively similar manner.

Most sauces leave the artichokes' texture untouched while intentionally creating different tastes. There is a large violet artichoke that is often seen in France, it is very attractive. However, when I tried it with the usual sauces, I thought it tasted much like its green cousins. 

Large violet artichokes.
Photograph courtesy of mozzercork.

Dining on small artichokes.

The Artichoke Violet de Provence is a young violet-colored artichoke that was developed in Provence; it may be eaten whole. These and other baby artichokes are grown to be sold when small, about 5 cm (2") across before the choke has had time to develop. Baby artichokes make their differences known by sight and by taste. Most of France's small artichokes, including some that may be served raw in salads, come from the Provence and the Occitanie regions, with others from Brittany. Many of these artichokes are rarely seen in the markets and supermarkets outside Mediterranean Europe so enjoy them when visiting.  Artichaut Poivrade will be part of the name of many dishes made with these edible, small, tasty artichokes.

Petits Artichauts Violets à la Barigoule
Photograph courtesy of Cuisine Actuelle
Cc Adam/Photo Cuisine

Artichokes on French Menus:


Petits Artichauts Violet à la Barigoule -  The small violet Provencal artichokes prepared à la Barigoule. Today a barigoule is still made using the small violet Provencal artichokes braised in oil and white wine. They are often prepared with tomatoes and grated carrots.. You may eat all of these small artichokes as there is no choke, and all the leaves are edible. 



The original artichokes à la barigoule


The original dish of artichauts à la barigoule can be traced back to the mid-1800s. Then artichokes were cooked with the "barigoule mushrooms" that grew under or near the artichoke plants. Those mushrooms are now mostly called the lactaire or lactaire délicieux in France and the saffron milk cap in English. The saffron milk cap is a tasty mushroom when well cooked. Unfortunately, in most parts of France, this wild mushroom is only in season from July through the beginning of October. With such limited availability and its relatively high price as it is a wild mushroom, today there will be no wild saffron milk cap mushrooms in your Artichauts Violet à la Barigoule and, more often than not, no mushrooms at all. Nevertheless, the name barigoule remains and today's recipes that do use mushrooms usually use the cultivated button mushroom, the Champignon de Paris.


On a side note, the saffron milkcap, which gave the name barigoule to to the original dish, is also famous as the earliest surviving artistic depiction of a mushroom. It is depicted on a fresco in Herculaneum, the twin Roman town to Pompeii. Italy. Herculaneum is just 13 km (8 miles) from  Pompei and like Pompeii destroyed by a volcano. Herculaneum still, in the main, remains to be excavated.



L’Artichaut Barigoule

Photograph courtesy of MarciaTack



Salade de Coeurs De Palmier et de Coeurs D'artichauts – A salad of hearts of palm and artichoke hearts; almost certainly served with a vinaigrette sauce. The hearts of palm do not come from the tall palm trees we see in the south of France nor from those that provide us with dates. The palm trees used for hearts of palm, come from the tropics. These are palms that grow large enough to provide the hearts that we eat in just one year. All palm trees have hearts; however, with these fast-growing small palms, no one has to cut down a 10 meter (30 foot) high tree and wait ten or twenty years until a new one grows in its stead. Artichoke hearts are the young, tender leaves attached to a small section of the artichoke base.


Blanched Artichokes with Olive Oil and Lemon
Photograph courtesy of Alpha.


Tartare De Thon et Carpaccio d’Artichauts Violets, Copeaux De Grana Padano Et Olives Niçoises – A tartar of tuna and a carpaccio of young, small, violet artichokes from Provence. The dish comes along with those unique AOP olives from Nice and copeaux, shavings, and Italian Grana Padano cheese. Provence's Violet Artichokes, Nice's AOP Olives, and Italian cheese show a recipe from the City of Nice on France’s Côte d'Azur. Nice has a long connection with Italy and was part of Italy until the 1860s, so do not be surprised by the inclusion of an Italian cheese. Nice has its own cuisine and history. Don't forget Nice's famous Ratatouille and Salad Nicoise. As a French friend and fellow foodie reminded me Italy and France have a long and convoluted history.  France ruled parts of Italy at various times in their combined history. Italy became an independent nation-state in 1861 and that included France’s support when the City of Nice became part of France.


Confit artichokes, cured tuna, blood orange, olives, and breadcrumbs.

Photograph courtesy of Tristan Kenney.


Consommé d'Artichauts Violets à la Coriandre – A consommé made with violet artichokes and flavored with the herb coriander, (also called cilantro). Consommés are clear or clarified soups initially made with meat and or poultry, and now with vegetables, fish, and or seafood. 


Barbouillade d'Artichauts – A Provencal stew of baby purple artichokes prepared with white wine, streaky bacon, and vegetables. 

Eating a whole artichoke with a dipping sauce.

For those who are new to the world of whole artichokes served with a sauce for dipping the leaves and base in, here are a few instructions:

In French homes, and in mine, whole artichokes are often on the menu as a dish where the artichoke is eaten whole while served with a tasty dipping sauce on the side. This is a dish that may be prepared hours or even the day before it is required. Whole artichokes prepared like this are a slow food and in a family or group setting keeps the pace of fast eaters under control. It's a dish that leaves time for talking about the day's happenings.

The first row of drier, outer leaves will have been removed when a restaurant serves this dish, but In a private home, you may need to do that. The next row of leaves on these cooked artichokes are easily pulled off one by one by one. Take a leaf and dip its base in the sauce provided. Then, run the leaf's underside over your teeth and remove the meat that is there and enjoy. You will have the taste and texture of the artichoke along with the sauce. Put the rest of the leaf aside in a bowl that will have been provided. 

A whole steamed artichoke for one; to be eaten with a dipping sauce.
Photograph courtesy of Darya Pino

When a whole artichoke is well prepared the leaves will be silky, their bases full of creamy meat and the artichoke holds together well.  After you have finished pulling off most of the outer leaves you arrive at a rough, stringy, inedible part, that is the choke of the artichoke.  Pull, and or cut out, that stringy choke and put it in the bowl provided for the uneaten parts of the leaves. There, underneath the artichoke’s choke is the true prize, the fond d'artichaut,  the base of the artichoke,.  The base is the tastiest part of the artichoke. Enjoy.

Artichoke flowers 

Artichokes are a member of the sunflower and the thistle family and a cousin of the Cardoon or Cadone, in French the Cardon. The artichoke’s choke becomes the flower if it is left to grow.

The artichoke flower.
Photograph courtesy of Renee Grayson

Artichokes in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan – card, comú), (Dutch -  kardoen), (German - artischocke), (Italian - carcifio), (Spanish -   cardo).

Searching for the meaning of words, names or phrases
a French menu? 
Just add the word, words, or phrase that you are searching for to the words "Behind the French Menu" (best when including the inverted commas), and search with Google.  Behind the French Menu’s links, include hundreds of words, names, and phrases that are seen on French menus. There are over 450 articles that include over 4,000 French dishes with English translations and explanations.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2015, 2021
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