Mont-d'Or AOP – One France’s Best Mild Cheeses.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Mont d’Or cheese.

The Mont-d'Or AOP  cheese, (also called the Vacherin du Haut-Doubs) is a soft, creamy, 45% fat, mild, great tasting, non-pasteurized, cow’s milk cheese that is produced with unpasteurized milk in the winter( from 15 August through 31 March).
The cheese’s pate is a light yellow with the rind an ivory to light brown.  It is aged for a minimum of three weeks, and when fully ripe the cheese has a white mold on top and is just beginning to be runny. The cheese is sold in a 500 – 600-gram (18 – 21 grams) a spruce pine-wood box in which it is aged and which contributes to the cheese's smell and flavor; larger cheeses are made for restaurants.
The cheese plate is ready.

The cheese may be on the cheese trolley or a cheese plate or eaten with a spoon as the main course with potatoes and vegetables or as a dessert, often when lightly heated.
For the winter the cows will have been brought down from their mountain pastures to warm barns still over 700 meters high in the French Alps.  In the winter the cows produce less milk but their cream has a concentrated, intensified flavor and that makes this an exceptional cheese. The cheese was developed hundreds of years ago, probably in the 13th century, by monks. Mont d’Or will be on menus and in cheese shops from September to April.

The Mont d’Or cheese production team.
Mont-d'Or AOC on French menus:

A lightly cooked Mont d’Or
Escargots Mont d’Or Beurre Maison – Snails Prepared with Mont d’Or Cheese and the house’s special butter sauce recipe
Mont d'Or et Saucisse de Morteau -  Mont d’Or cheese served with the Morteau AOP sausage. The Saucisse de Morteau is a pork salami type sausage that may be eaten without any additional cooking. For this dish, the sausage will have been cooked again.
Mont d'Or, Salade, Pomme de Terre Grenaille, Cornichons et Charcuterie - Mont d’Or cheese, salad, small pebble size new potatoes, cornichons along with cold meats and slices of sausages.
Your French-English travel dictionary and Google Translate may translate grenaille as a shot (the type fired from a shotgun); nonetheless, Pomme de Terre Grenaille potatoes are not that tiny.  Pomme de Terre Grenaille are very small new potatoes, more like pebbles, and in the season they should not be missed.
 Raviole de Mont d'Or, Vinaigrette à la Brisure de Truffe et son Mesclun de Jeunes -  Ravioli stuffed with Mont d’Or cheese and served with a mesclun salad made with salad green shoots accompanied by a vinaigrette dressing flavored with flakes of truffle.

A perfectly ripe Mont d’Or
The Haut-Doubs
Mont d'Or comes from the area of the Haut-Doubs in the department of Doubs in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté. (The region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté was created on the 1-1-2016 by joining together the departments of Burgundy and Franche-Comté  in one super region). One of the Jura Mountains, which separate France and Switzerland is called the Mont d'Or hence the name.
A similar cheese from Switzerland.
On the Swiss side of the Alps, in Switzerland, they make a somewhat similar cheese. It is made with thermized milk and called the Vacherin Mont d'Or.  Thermized (or thermalized) milk is made by heating milk at a low temperature for a short period. Nevertheless, for import to the United States thermized milk is treated like unpasteurized milk and the cheese must have been aged for over 60 days. The arguments about whether the first Mont d’Or cheese was created on the Swiss or French side of the Alps will go on forever.  For more about buying cheese in France and taking it home click here.

Other famous cheeses from the Franche-Comté include:


A Mont d’Or farmhouse in the winter.

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

Copyright 2010, 2017.

Steak de Hampe - A Flavorful French Cut of Beef With no Corresponding USA or UK Cut to Compare With.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Steak de Hampe.  

Many French cuts of meat may have no exact US or UK equivalents, and  Steak de Hampe, is one of those.  French chefs will tell you that the hampe is a flavorful steak with a little more fat than a flank steak, the French onglet. Butchers consider it part of the US tri-tip and in the UK part of the flank.   Steak or Bifteck de Hampe is a favorite cut for France’s great Steak Frites.

Steak de Hampe on French menus:

 Steak de Hampe de Boeuf et Gratin Dauphinois – A  hampe steak served with Gratin DauphinoisGratin Dauphinois is baked sliced potatoes cooked in milk and cream, flavored with nutmeg, garlic, thyme, and shallots and then browned under the grill usually with Gruyere or Parmesan cheese.

Gratin Dauphinoise
Steak de Hampe Sauce au Poivre – A hampe steak prepared with a pepper sauce. Nearly all pepper steaks are made with green peppercorns.  Green peppercorns are usually the pepper of choice for a steak au poivre, a pepper steak. Black pepper can override the flavor of the steak.

Steak au Poivre.
Hampe de Boeuf Grillée,  Frites –  A grilled hampe steak served with French fries, UK chips; this a classic Steak Frit  

Steak Frites

La Hampe de Bœuf Grillée, Sauce Bordelaise, Poêlée De Pommes De Terre Et Champignons – A grilled hampe steak served with a Sauce Bordelaise accompanied by potatoes fried with button mushrooms.  Sauce Bordelaise is made with a veal stock, a Bordeaux red wine, butter, shallots, and herbs.
Hampe de Veau Grillée, Sauce aux Deux Moutardes au Thym – A grilled hampe veal steak prepared with a sauce made from two different mustards and thyme.  
Hampe steaks will have been marinated in red wine for 24 hours before being lightly fried or grilled. This cut is never prepared well done; it will be tough and shriveled.  If you only eat well-done steaks order an entrecote.

To order a steak in France cooked the way you like it click here.

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

Copyright 2010, 2017.

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