Chanterelle Girolle - The Chanterelle Mushrooms in French Cuisine. The Mushrooms of France IV.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


The Girolle Chanterelle

Chanterelle girolles are wild mushrooms,
and not yet commercially cultivated.
In France, they are also called the Chanterelle Ciboire or Jaunotte.
Latin -  cantharellus cibarius.
The chanterelle or girolle chanterelle is the best-known member of the chanterelle mushroom family in France.  The other members of the chanterelle family are also welcomed by the chefs of France, whether fresh or dried. Dried chanterelles keep much of their flavor; but the chefs know the difference that fresh chanterelles can make to a dish;  in season, hardly a single menu will not include at least one dish with fresh chanterelles

Each member of the chanterelle family is available fresh at specific times of the year, and I have included, in this post, three of the four most popular chanterelles seen on French menus.  The fourth, the horn of plenty or black chanterelle, (in French, the corne d’abondance or trompettes de la mort) has its own post.
Mushroom gatherers.
The abundance of names for a single mushroom.

The variety of names used for a single mushroom are part of local traditions that are found in all countries and regions, including North America and the UK. I have been told by more than one chef who, time permitting, pick their own wild mushrooms, that there are many more than four members of the chanterelle family in France.  In order not to confuse the diners with ten or more different names, the less well-known chanterelle mushrooms will be prepared together with the chanterelle family member closest in color taste and texture; when cooked any minor differences will have disappeared.

The chanterelle girolle’s color ranges from an ivory white to a yellow-orange, and it is a meaty mushroom with a fruity and slightly peppery taste. Fresh chanterelle girolles will be on menus from late May through October.

The Girolle Chanterelle on your menu:
Cassoulet d'Escargots aux Girolles à la Crème de Persillade – Cassolette d'Escargots is a popular snail dish, but here we see a change in the traditional recipe. Here the dish called cassolette d'escargots has had an upgrade with the girolle chanterelle being added to the recipe along with a cream of parsley sauce. Cassolettes d'Escargots are found, with slight differences in the recipe, in most of France's regions. If you are in France and haven't tried snails before consider trying this dish, then you may understand why the French enjoy eating snails. N.B. Cassoulet d'Escargots are very different from the heavy winter stews that are the Cassoulets of southern France.
Chanterelles hidden in the grass.
Crème de Chanterelle Ciboire  - A cream of girolle chanterelle soup.
Fettuccini with chanterelles

Fricassée de Rognons de Veau aux Jaunottes.- Veal kidneys stewed with girolle chanterelle mushrooms; veal and lamb kidneys are very popular in France. 
Chanterelles in the market.

Risotto de Boulgour aux Chanterelles et Œufs de Caille Poché. - A risotto made with blé boulgour, bulgur wheat, and the chanterelle mushroom. Bulgur wheat is the pre-cooked, par-boiled wheat used for taboulé and other traditional North African dishes. French chefs have begun to use this wheat with its slightly nutty flavor for local creations. Here, the bulgur wheat is made into a risotto with mushrooms and served with poached quail eggs. NB. Quail eggs taste just like a hen’s eggs; however, they are one-fifth the size, and so a quail egg omelet for one will be expensive.
Chanterelle Risotto

The Girolle Chanterelle in the languages of France's neighbors:
(Catalan – rossinyol), (Dutch - hanenkam or cantharel ),(German – pfifferlinge or eierschwamm), (Italian - gallinacio or galletto), (Spanish – chantarela), (Latin - cantharellus cibarius).

The Chanterelle Gris -  The Trumpet Chanterelle,
Number two on the chanterelle popularity stakes:
The Chanterelle Gris, Chanterelle en Tube, Chanterelle d'Automne, Chanterelle Jaunissante. Chanterelle en Trompette  - Trumpet Chanterelle, Autumn Chanterelle, or Funnel Chanterelle. (Latin -  cantharellus tubaeformis)..

Chanterelle Gris, the Trumpet Chanterelle.

This small yellow to brown and gray mushroom has a slightly tart mushroom flavor with the typical slightly springy mushroom texture. In France they are fresh from September through November.

The Trumpet Chanterelle on French menus:
Côte de Veau à la Crème de Chanterelle Grise -veal chop prepared with a cream of trumpet chanterelle sauce.
Filet de Fera aux Chanterelles Grise  –  A filet of the broad whitefish, a supremely tasty member of the trout and salmon families prepared with the trumpet chanterelle mushroom.

Langoustines Toutes Décortiquées Rôties Petites Chanterelles Grises - The Dublin Bay prawn, Scampi or Norwegian Lobster shelled and roasted with the small trumpet chantarelle mushrooms. The Dublin Bay prawn is neither a lobster nor even a shrimp; however, this is the real scampi, not the shrimps that in the USA are often on the menu as scampi. Scampi are not easily shelled, and here you may see that the restaurant is letting you know that they have done all the hard work. (N.B. Do not confuse the langoustine with the much larger langouste, the rock or spiny lobster; the owner of the lobster tail).

Sweetbreads in cream sauce with chanterelles
Suprêmes de Faisan Rôtis sur l'os, les Cuisses Farcies aux Chanterelles d'Automne de Nos Ramasseurs  (2 pers.) -  Breast of pheasant roasted on the bone, with the legs stuffed with Autumn chanterelle mushrooms supplied by the restaurant’ s own wild mushroom gatherers. This dish is for a minimum of 2 persons (2 per.). The pheasants on French menus are rarely wild pheasants; like many other traditional game birds and animals pheasants are farmed in France; even wild boar are farmed. The pheasant on this menu is a farmed bird; if this was a wild pheasant then the menu would read faisan sauvage

The Chanterelle Gris -  The Trumpet Chanterelle in the languages  of France's neighbors:

(Catalan - fals camagroc), (Dutch - trechtercantharel), (German - trompetenpfifferling or  herbst pfifferling), (Italian - finferia  or cantarello a  tromba), (Spanish -  angula gris, trompeta amarilla de monte), (Latin -  cantharellus tubaeformis).


The Chanterelle à Pied Jaune - The Yellow Foot Chanterelle
 Number three in the chanterelle popularity stakes.
Chanterelle à Pied Jaune, Craterelle, Chanterelle Jaune 
The Yellow Foot  Chanterelle, Golden Chanterelle or Winter Chanterelle.

When this mushroom's French name is on the menu as the craterelle read again carefully as another family member is called the craterelle corne d'abondance, and that is the black chanterelle or horn of plenty mushroom.  The black chanterelles is an equally tasty but different tasting mushroom, and it is the subject of a separate post. The yellow foot chanterelle is fresh from August through October.
Chanterelle à Pied Jaune - The Yellow Foot Chanterelle

The Yellow Foot Chanterelle on French menus:

Chanterelle a Pied Jaune Grille aux Noix de Saint-Jacques  –The yellow-foot chanterelle, grilled and served, with the meat of the king scallop

Veal, lemon, tomato, chanterelles.

Blanc de Cabillaud Vapeur, Mijotée de Chanterelles Jaune A filet of cod, which is France’s favorite fish, steamed and served with simmered yellow-foot chanterelles.

Filet de Chevreuil aux Craterelles – A fillet, the tenderloin, from the red deer served with the yellow-foot chanterelle. The red deer on this menu is farm-raised; if this was a wild deer then the menu would read chevreuil sauvage, wild red deer.

The Yellow Foot Chanterelle in the languages of France's neighbors:

(Catalan camagroc )(German - starkriechende pfifferling, gelbe kraterelle,  gelbe kantherelle), (Italian - cantarello giallo), (Spanish - trompeta amarilla, rebozuelo), (Latin - craterellus lutescens)

If you gather wild mushrooms when in France,
do not eat any that have not been checked!!!
Every town and village in France have a trained mycologist, a mushroom expert, and local pharmacists have these expert’s addresses. The infamous Jack O’ Lantern mushroom; in French the Pleurote de l'Olivier looks similar to some of the chanterelle mushrooms in the wild. Regular mushroom gatherers may easily spot the difference; however, you may not and it is poisonous and can make you very very sick!  In the kitchens of France’s restaurant's wild mushrooms, of all types, may be on the menu; however, chefs only buy wild mushrooms that have been clearly identified by the ramasseurs de champignons, the professional mushroom gatherers.

For more other mushrooms in France see these posts:



Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019.

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Cerises, Bigarreaux and Griottes - The Cherries of France. Cherries on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Cerises - Cherries
The cherries on French Menus will be under the names
Cerises, Bigarreaux, and Griottes.

While the word cerise does cover all types of cherries, bigarreaux usually  indicates sweet cherries while griottes always represent the mûre, slightly sour, morello type cherries.

La Cerise sur le Gateau.
This French expression translates as the cherry on the top of the cake and has the same meaning as “The Icing on the Cake” in English.
After strawberries, cherries are the second most popular fruit in France, and to prove it France is the 15th largest cherry producing country in the world. In season, from May through early August different cherry varieties fill the markets and restaurant menus will be filled with dishes made from fresh cherries.
Cherry Blossom
Cherry dishes on French menus:

Aumônière de Poire et Mousse de Griotte au Grand Marnier – Pears stuffed with a mousse made from the griotte sour cherry and flavored with Grand Marnier liqueur.
Cerise au Marasquin  -  Maraschino cherries were originally a native Croatian cherry used for making maraschino liqueur. Today the maraschino cherries on top of your whipped cream or cakes are produced primarily by adding a red pigment to regular cherries while flavoring them with all sorts of substances and lots of sugar. I suggest you think twice before eating the red stuff in these cherries!
Cerises au Porto sur Glace à la Vanille  –   Cherries; here they are probably griottes, the morello type cherries, flavored with porand served with vanilla ice cream
Cerises Burlat  - Burlat cherries are native French cherries that taste and look like a medium-sized California Bing cherry, and I love Bing cherries. From that similarity, I was not surprised that the Burlat is the most popular sweet cherry in France. The Burlat cherry developed from cuttings from a wild cherry tree, and the finder was a French soldier, named Léonard Burlat.  Léonard had been called up for service in the French army during WWI, and in 1915, he discovered a remarkably different wild cherry tree near the city of Lyon. When Léonard went home on leave, he took the cuttings from that tree back to his family’s farm, near his home village that is now the small town of Loire-sur-Rhône in the département of Rhône in the Rhône-Alps, and the rest is history. France had fallen in love with Burlat cherries.
Burlat cherries

Léonard Burlat ended up with a cherry and a street named after him as well as the thanks of a nation of cherry lovers. Burlat cherries are now grown all over the world, and in France, they account for over 50% of the cherries sold annually. 
Cerises Noir - Black cherries. Usually, this indicates griottes, morello type sour cherries.
Cerises Jubilee - Cherries Jubilee. These are morello type cherries marinated in kirsch, a liqueur made from cherries, accompanied by vanilla ice cream, and flambéed in front of the diners while being served. This famous recipe was created, and first served at the Savoy Hotel, London, by Auguste Escoffier in honor of Queen Victoria's Diamond Jubilee, her 60 years on the British throne; that was on the 22nd June 1897. 
Cherries Jubilee
You may wonder how a dish created in England in honor of a British queen remains on so many French menus?  Well,  to begin with, Escoffier was, of course, an extremely famous French chef, and Queen Victoria loved France and was also much loved by the French. Queen Victoria and her family were close friends of the Emperor Napoléon III and the Empress Eugénie. When Napoléon III lost his job as Emperor at the end of the Franco-Prussian war (1870-1871), he found refuge in England.

 When Napoléon III died in exile in England in 1873,  Queen Victoria paid for the crypt built in the Benedictine Abbey of St Michael’s in Farnborough, Hampshire, England, where he is buried. The abbey itself was built for Napoleon III by the Empress Eugénie, and when she died in 1922, she was buried next to him. The only son of Napoleon III and the Empress Eugénie was  Eugène Louis, the Prince Imperial, and Napoleon IV; he died fighting for the British Army in the South African British Zulu wars, in 1879 and is buried in the same English church alongside his parents. Many French tourists, visiting the UK, make a point of visiting the last resting place of Napoleon III and Napoleon IV.    

More about Napoleon and cherries.

The bigarreau Napoleon is a sweet cherry, and it is a yellow to pink to red sweet cherry.

For more about Napoleon III see the post:

and for more Napoleon I's descendants see the post:
Clafoutis aux Cerises Burlat Clafoutis made with sweet burlat cherries.  Clafoutis, pronounced clafooty, (the S is silent), is a traditional tart from the old region of Limousin.  The original clafoutis was only made with cherries mixed and cooked together in a crêpe-like batter. Now clafoutis are popular all over France and just as popular when made with other fruits, vegetables, cheeses, and fish. The old region of Limousin included the departments of Corrèz, Creuse, and Haute-Vienne that are now part of the new super region of Nouvelle Aquitaine.   

A cherry clafouti.
Confiture de Cerises Noires - Black cherry jam
Filet de Canette Montmorency  Slices of duckling breast prepared with Montmorency morello type cherries. Cherries are no longer grown in the village of Montmorency outside Paris, but any dish with Montmorency in its name will contain cherries, and Montmorency cherries are grown all over the world. The village of Montmorency is now a bedroom community of over 20,000 people, but apart from being famous for its cherries, the French philosopher and writer Jean-Jacques Rousseau lived and worked there, and the painter Camille Pissarro loved to paint there.
Sliced duck breast with sour cherries.
Entrecôte de Daim aux Bigarreaux  -  An entrecote, a rib-eye steak, from a fallow deer served with a sauce made from sweet cherries.  This will be farmed deer, as in the hunting season when wild game may be on the menu, then either the full menu will be marked as a Carte de la Chasse, a menu from the hunt or wild game listed on the main menu will carry the suffix sauvage, wild. Many of the animals traditionally associated with hunting are farm-raised in France. On your menu without any other indication, the rabbits, hares, fallow and other deerpheasants, quail, and even wild boar are all farm-raised and will be on menus all year round.      
Griottes à l'Eau-de-vie – A dessert of griotte, morello, cherries made with an eau de vie, a fruit brandy, usually this will be kirsch, itself a cherry liqueur. A dish like this will usually be served with a soft white cheese or ice cream.

Guignolet or   Guignolet- Kirsch  - A popular French, red, 16-18% alcohol cherry liqueur. 

Kirsch or Kirschwasser - A 40-45% clear, cherry brandy that may be in your cheese fondue, in desserts, cakes or served ice cold on its own.    Kirsch from the Fougerolles, the small town in the department of Haute-Saône in the region of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté is one of the most respected sources for French Kirsch.
Kirsch de Fougerolles AOC/AOP

Apart from Fougerolles so famous for its Kirsch liquor, there are other famous cherry towns in France; a particularly compelling one is the town of Céret in Occitanie.

Céret has a cherry festival in the last week of May or the first week in June. For all French fetes and celebrations check, ahead of time, with one of the French Government Tourist Office in your country.
The cherry festival in the town of Céret in Occitanie.

The Céret cherry season begins in May, and there will be sales of all products made with cherries at stalls and restaurants in and around the town along with bands, traditional Catalan dancing and more.
Cherries in Céret.
Céret menus will also offer a wide range of French and Catalan-influenced dishes.  At almost any time of the year, Céret is a delightful place to visit as there is much more to the town and area than just cherries, Catalan cuisine, and Catalan connections.

The town also strong connection to modern art that began when Georges Braque and Pablo Picasso came here in 1911 and spent a year or two in Céret during Picasso’s cubist period; today Céret considers itself the home of cubism and over the years, many other artists, not just the cubists have also spent time there. Céret’s small but unique Museum of Modern Art was founded in 1948 by some of the artists who visited and loved the town; it holds works, mainly donated by artists who spent time in Céret, and that includes Picasso, Braque, Chagall, Matisse, Miró, Soutine, and others.

Still Life With Banderillas
Georges Braque. Ceret, summer 1911

For the opening times of the museum and days when it is closed see the museum’s French language website that is easily accessed with Bing and Google translate apps.

Getting to Céret.

Céret is in the department of the Pyrénées-Orientales in Occitanie and is just  15 km (9 miles) from some beautiful Mediterranean beaches; it is also just 15  km (9 miles) from Perpignan and 18 km (12 miles) from Spain. 

The only time when I cannot recommend Céret is in mid-July when, unfortunately, Céret, has real bullfights, corridas, the bloody ones. You may schedule your visit for before or after the corridas. Since Catalonia in Spain has banned bullfighting, I am hoping that Céret with its Catalonian history will soon follow suit.

Portrait of the artist Chaim Soutine painted by Modigliani in Céret.
Bigarreau - Sweet cherries  in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan - Cirera or guinda), (Dutch - kers), (German - kirsche), (Italian - ciliegi, cerasa) (Spanish- cereza, guinda).

Griotes - Morello sour cherries in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan - guinder, cirerer amarg),  (Dutch -  zure kers),  (German –sauerkirsche, weichselkirsche, weichsel), (Italian  - amareno, visciolo, amarasco), (Spanish  -   guindo, cerezo ácido, cerezo de morello).


Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019


Searching for the meaning of words, names or phrases
French menus?

Just add the word, words, or phrase that you are searching for to the words "Behind the French Menu" (best when including the inverted commas), and search with Google, Bing, or another search engine.   Behind the French Menu’s links, include hundreds of words, names, and phrases that are seen on French menus. There are over 450 articles that include over 4,000 French dishes with English translations and explanations.
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