Water in French Restaurants. Free or to be Paid For? Water - Eau. Eau on French Menus

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Eau – Water.
Eau is pronounced oh
The Baïsole River
Its source is in the department of Hautes-Pyrénées in Occitanie.
Water is part of every French meal 
and nearly as important as the wine.
Order eau du robinet for free - drinkable tap water,
Many French restaurants will have placed bottled mineral water on the table before you arrive; however, the bottled water on your table is not a free gift!  In a French restaurant, choose between free tap water, eau du robinet, and various types of mineral water that you will be expected to pay for.

Bottled mineral water.

You may order tap water in French restaurants.
If you do not want mineral water and are content with the local tap water just say so, no one will be surprised, a least 25% of the French population will do the same. When you ask for eau du robinet, tap water, it will, as a rule, be brought, cold or with ice, usually in a carafe and many restaurants may add a sprig of mint or a piece of lemon.  If you receive water that came directly from the tap ask for ice and consider going to another restaurant next time.  The French do know how to serve tap water correctly and pleasantly.

When you order tap water, you should receive a pitcher, 
a jug or a carafe as well as a glass.
CC Public Domain.
The French drink more mineral water, per capita,
than any other nation on earth.
The French restaurant tradition of placing mineral water on the table without asking you is not a sales technique created for tourists.  The French expect it as they do drink a great deal of mineral water. There are over 500 different mineral water labels competing for their place at your table in a restaurant or in a private home.  There are more brands of  French mineral waters than there are names for French wines. If you do choose a bottle of mineral water that was already on the table, it will be replaced by a cold one.
Before Perrier was called Perrier
Photograph courtesy of Perrier
You may drink the tap water in France.
Despite the French affinity for natural mineral water, the tap water in all the large cities in France is drinkable, even if chlorinated.  Whether you order mineral water or tap water is your choice.
In French restaurants, you pour your own water.
By tradition, neither mineral water or tap water will be poured for you by the sommelier, the wine steward, or a by a server; you may pour the water yourself.  If water is poured for you that may indicate that you have been identified as a tourist. It may also mean that you have been identified as someone who may not realize that a tip, at the end of the meal, is not required!   Equally, the sommelier traditionally does not take orders for water; he or she will be too busy with the serious business, the wines. You may order water from any waiter, and the sommelier will not be offended.
Evian's automated natural mineral water bottling plant.
Water is big business

Still, mineral water is eau plate.
Sparkling, mineral water is eau gazeuse.
Lightly sparkling, mineral water is eau pétillante.
Very, very lightly sparkling, mineral water is eau légèrement.
Eau – Water.

Eau Bouillie – Boiling water.
Eau Chaude – Hot water.
Eau Courante  Another term used for tap water; however, the term eau du robinet is the word more generally used.
Eau de Rose - Rose water.  Rose water is still considered essential for the preparation of particular delicately scented pastries. By tradition real rose water was, and occasionally, though very rarely, may still be used to scent the water in finger bowls.  Rose water was and is made with real rose petals.
Eau de Source Gazeuse or Eau Minérale Naturelle Gazeuse -  Both of these indicate naturally sparkling waters. These are French government tested and approved natural mineral waters. Eau du source is the one most often seen and the least expensive. The second is eau minérale naturelle, which is the one the French government has decided, is particularly good for your health and, of course, it costs more.
 Eau de Table  – Bottled table water; water that has been filtered and treated.  Its main difference to tap water is the absence of chlorine and fluoride; some bottled table waters also have added minerals, they replace the minerals the filtration removed.  The added minerals will be noted on the label. Effervescent or sparkling table water, eau de table gazeuse, is soda water; the gas used is carbon dioxide.
Eau-de-vie – The water of life.  This is not water; this is the French word used for all types of basic grape brandies that are not yet ready for sale. Eau-de-vie is also the name used for mature fruit brandies.
Eau de Vie de Cidre - Apple brandy
Eau du Robinet - Tap water. Tap water is drinkable in all the cities of France, and it is chlorinated and fluoridated. 
Eau Froide – Cold water.
Eau Gazeuse or Eau Pétillante –  Sparkling or carbonated water. Among French diners, there are often discussions about how natural the sparkle is in a particular “so-called” naturally sparkling mineral water.  These arguments can take hours, some never finish. So that is an argument I will not get into here.
Ordering a club soda in France
In France, any flavored drink that is made with artificially sparkling water is a soda. You have been warned; if you want soda-water then ask for eau gazeuse.  Eau gazeuse is either naturally sparkling water, or if the label reads "eau de table gazeuse" that is city water that has been filtered and bottled with added carbon dioxide.  If you just ask for a soda, you may well receive the French equivalent of a 7-Up.
The source of Thonon still water at the Versoie Spring.
The town of Thonon-les-Bains is on the French side of Lac Leman, Lake Geneva which France shares with Switzerland. Thonon-les-Bains is in the department of
Haute-Savoie in the region of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
The water’s use was authorized in June 1864 and was declared of interest to public health by the French Academy of Medicine in 1890.
You may visit the spring and bottle some yourself and go swimming in the lake.
Eau Gazeuse Chargée en Gaz Carbonique – Sparkling water made by adding carbon dioxide.
Eau Minéral – Mineral water. You will see many different brands of mineral water as you move from town to town, or even from restaurant-to-restaurant.  Some of France’s mineral waters, such as Perrier, Evian, Badoit, and Vittel, are well known internationally, others may have a small output along with only a local following.  The taste of all these waters depends on their mineral content, and the mineral content must be noted on the label. 
Do you want to know more about mineral water?
For the best, and very amusing, review of the whole world of natural mineral waters, and city waters, read the chapter “Water” in the book: The Man who ate everything, Jeffery Steingarten, Vintage books.
    Eau Non-Potable – Water that is not fit to drink; you have been warned!
    Eau Pétillante – see Eau Gazeuse.

We all need water.
 Eau Potable - Any kind of water that is drinkable.
 Eau Plate - Still mineral water; pronounced plat.  If you prefer sparkling water say eau minérale gazeuse.
 Eau Traitée - Purified and filtered tap water. Eau traitée minéralisée is purified tap water with added minerals.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman




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Tipping in French Restaurants and Asking for French Sales Tax to be Returned.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



A café in Le Marais, Paris, 2022.­­­­
Photograph courtesy of Lars Plougmann 

All taxes and service charges are included in the price on the menu
For good service in a café leave the small change and in a restaurant 3%.
Outside of the joys that a wonderful meal can bring, the lack of tipping pressure is an additional pleasant surprise when dining in France. 

Restaurants in France, by law, include all service charges and taxes in the prices shown on their menus; that is true for the restaurant on the corner and a three-star Michelin award-winning restaurant.  In a cafe, leave the small change; no more is expected.  A French diner who has enjoyed an excellent meal and good service may round the total on the bill upwards, so, at most, an extra 3% will be left as a thank you, no more.  After a poorly served meal, nothing needs to be left.  If you wish to show extra appreciation for all-around excellence, then at the very most, leave 5%.

You may see these abbreviations on your menu: 
TTC SC or T.T.C. S.C.  or Toutes TVA  Comprise, Service Comprise.

The service charge, the tip, and  VAT, the added value tax,  are all included.  Taxes and your tip could reach over 20% of the bill if these charges were not included.  Whether or not the initials above are on the menu, by law, all tips, taxes, and service charges are included in the price on the menu.

Very occasionally, an unethical waiter or Maître D’ may try and create a situation where you, a tourist, believe a tip is expected. Remember, You are NOT expected to pay any more than the price on the menu.  You do not have to be embarrassed about it; no French diner would be.  

Non-European and UK citizens are entitled to the return of taxes on gifts, clothes, and commercial purchases. 

The vast majority of French shops in areas frequented by tourists have arrangements where a large percentage of the taxes may be returned. Taxes spent on clothes or gifts, the VAT, Value added Tax could be returned to visitors from outside the European Union when they leave the country.  In shops, look for signs advising visitors that the VAT tax, in French, the T.V.A, can be reclaimed. If no signs are visible, ask directly[BN1] .

TVA, T.V.A. or Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée
The VAT or Value-added tax.

This form of tax is used in all European Union countries, and the rate varies from country to country. In France, the VAT rate is 20% for most purchases. For those who make a purchase of over 100 Euros in a single shop in a single day, some 60% of that tax is refundable, as long as those purchases are properly documented. 

Purchases that can have tax returned have to be made at a retailer that offers tax-free shopping. The total purchases in each individual retailer must exceed €100 (including the tax) on a single day. The retailer must give the buyer the special documents that allow the return of most of the VAT when leaving France.  Customers must show their passports to the retailer to prove their non-resident status.


See all the rules and regulations on these websites:


If you are considering buying gifts in France, it can pay you to make all the purchases in a single store on the same day. Before leaving home, Google, a list of department stores or other stores in the city or town that you will be visiting.  Look at their websites; many large department stores and other stores offer additional discounts of 10% to tourists all year round; then you may double-dip.  If you visit France when the sales are on, you may well find, as I have done, that the accumulated sale discount, tourist discount, and returned taxes can reach 30-40% of the price in the window; check.

Returnable taxes do not include, unfortunately, your hotel bill, rental car, fuel, or restaurant bills. For other purchases will find that most of the stores in areas that tourists frequent are used to non-European visitors and have all the necessary paperwork.  Without the correct paperwork, nothing will be returned!  Check with the store that they have official permission to offer this service before you buy. 

Sales - Soldes
Photograph courtesy of Ville de Victoriaville

VAT tax returns for business expenses in France 

 Most Non-Europeans residents and companies can receive rebates on their business expenses that include the VAT; that can be 20% of trade show expenses and related expenses.  You will need to keep your invoices and other paperwork, as these are refunds you claim after your return home. Before you leave for Europe, check with your accountant or travel advisor about what paperwork you will need to keep and where to send it afterward.  However, as for tourists, the taxes on travel expenses, car hire, fuel, restaurant and hotel charges are not refundable. 

Photograph courtesy of Patrick Nouhailler


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