Denté, Denti or Denté Commun - The Dentex or Common Dentex, a Mild but Tasty Fish.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Dentex from the sea.
When caught in the wild the dentex will have come to your menu via the Mediterranean or the Atlantic. Nevertheless, fish under 600 grams will have come from fish-farms.  In the wild, dentex can reach 15 kilos or more, but they are rarely seen over six kilos.

Dentex in the Mediterranean I.

Dentex on French Menus:

Pavé de Denti Sauce Vierge –- A thick cut of this fish served with sauce vierge. (See the appendix Sauces: Sauce Vierge).
Denti de la Pêche Corse Rôti –- Wild dentex from the Corsican coasts, served grilled.

Carpaccio de Denti – Dentex Carpaccio.

Pave de Denti aux Girolles – A large cut of dentex prepared with girolle chanterelle mushrooms.

Denti au Four. (Minimum 4 pers) – Roasted dentex, for a minimum of four persons. This will be a single fish weighing over one kilo; probably one and a half kilos. Deboned that will be close to 250 grams of fish per diner.

Dentex in the Mediterranean II.
Photograph courtesy of Christophe Quintin

Denti de Méditerranée Rôti, Fricassée de Girolles aux Abricots et Salicornes – Dentex, from the Mediterranean, roasted and served with a fricassee, a stew, of girolle chanterelle mushrooms, apricots, and salicornes.  Salicornia or samphire is often, mistakenly, called an edible seaweed; it is not.  Salicorne, of which there are many family members, grows in salt marshes and along the coast, not in the sea.  The young salicorne plants are collected between April through July and then will be used in salads, sauces, soups.
Dentex with cuttlefish ink.

There are quite a number of close dentex family members, and they will all find their way to the menu under the one name, dentex.
Dentex in the languages of France’s neighbors:
(Catalan - dentó), (Dutch - tandbrasem), (German – zahnbrasse), (Italian- dental, dendichi, dentice), (Spanish - dentón, déntol).

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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2016

Salicorne, Perce-pierre, Criste-marine or Haricot de Mer - The Vegetable Samphire or Salicornia in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Samphire growing in the sandy soil.
Samphire (salicornia) is not a seaweed:

Samphire is often, mistakenly, called an edible seaweed; it is not.  It is a coastal plant, with many family members, and grows in salt marshes and even in the sand along the coast.  Its shape, not its taste, gives it another name, sea asparagus.
The mildly salty and slightly bitter taste of Samphire along with its crunchy texture (when properly cooked) allows it to partner well in many salads when served cold or when served warm with fish or shellfish.

British phaenogamous botany 1834-1843
Salicornia on French menus:
Terrine de Poisson à la Salicorne – A fish pate flavored with samphire.
Mesclun - Queues d'Écrevisses - Salicornes  - A mixed green salad with freshwater crayfish tails and samphire.  N.B. A salade mesclun should, by tradition, include at least five different salad greens.

Samphire salad with a thinly cut, cold, tri-tip steak.
The tri-tip cut is the aiguillette baronne in France.
Filet de Sandre aux Salicornes, Beurre Blanc A filet of zander, (pike-perch), with samphire served with a white butter sauce.

Crisply fried European seabass with samphire.
Flétan Meunière aux Salicornes Halibut prepared in a meunier sauce accompanied by samphire, Meunier is a sauce of butter, lemon juice and parsley served warm.

Conchiglie Farcies aux Gambas et Salicornes - Shell shaped pasta stuffed with large shrimps and samphire.

Samphire in a Parisian market.
As samphire reaches a wider public, more recipes are being created for using these vegetables in salads, sauces, soups as well as for pickling them for use out of season as a condiment.   Some French market gardeners have felt the demand and are now cultivating the plant, but along France’s Atlantic coast young, wild samphire plants are still gathered in the wild from April through July.  Many of these gatherers, ramasseurs in French, are professionals and under contract to restaurants.  Throughout the year these same gatherers will be working further inland collecting wild herbs, fruits, and vegetables such as wild leeks, wild garlic, and wild berries including juniper berries and elderberries along with wild mushrooms like cepes, and chanterelles.    

Samphire flowering on the coast.
In the department of Charentes Maritime.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


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