Merlu – Hake, the Popular White Fish. Hake in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

Fresh hake.
Merlu, Merlu Européen or  Colin  - Hake and European Hake.  
Merluchon, Colinot, Petit Merlu are diminutive names used for small fish from the European hake and pollack families. On the menu, these names often indicate that the fish may be served whole.   

Hake is a member of the cod family with a white flaky texture and a mild flavor that is often hidden with the cooking or with the sauces with which it is served.  French chefs appreciate hake as it is a very adaptable fish, and so it may be offered with a wide range of recipes. Hake may weigh fifteen kilos or more,  but most hake off France’s coasts are caught when weighing from one to three kilos and they will be on the menu sautéed, grilled, baked and poached.

Grilled hake
Fresh hake, on French menus, come from the Mediterranean and the Atlantic. Frozen hake filets in the supermarket will come from North East Atlantic and as far afield as Argentina.  A great deal of France’s local catch of hake goes to Spain where hake is the most popular fish; in France, the most popular fish is hake’s cousin cod.
N.B. Colin is one of this fish's French names, and Colin may also be used for lieu noir, saithe, or lieu jaune, pollack.  They are all fine tasting fish from the same family and not easily identified when cooked and served as filets.
Hake on French menus:
Dos de Merlu de Ligne Sauce Vierge, Risotto Safrané aux Moules A thick cut of hake caught on a fishing line and served with a sauce vierge accompanied by a risotto with mussels flavored with saffron. Sauce Vierge translates as a virgin sauce. The name comes from the use of virgin olive oil, fresh tomatoes, garlic, lemon juice, basil, red wine vinegar, salt and black pepper. The sauce will be served warm but not cooked as virgin olive oil loses its flavor when heated. The sauce will be drizzled on the fish just before it is served.
Dos de Merlu Poêlé et Sauce au Beurre Blanc – A thick cut of hake fried and served with a white butter sauceBeurre Blanc is sauce is made with butter, a dry white wine, lemon, and shallots and named after the city of Nantes. Nantes is a lovely city and the capital of the department of Loire-Atlantique department in the region of the Pays de la Loire.
Hake with spinach.
Escalope de Merlu Grillée, Déclinaison de Courgettes aux Herbes – A filet of grilled hake served with an arrangement of courgettes, zucchini, flavored with herbs. An escalope is traditionally used to describe a thin cut of veal, an escalope de veau. On this menu listing the chef has clearly got fed up with using the word filet and changed the word to escalope; nevertheless, an escalope of fish is still a filet of fish.

Filet de Merlu à la Crème de Champignons – A filet of European Hake served with a creamy button mushroom sauce.
Grilled hake with a butter sauce.

Merlu de Ligne de la Criée de St Jean de Luz, Confit de Tomate, Sauce Xipister – Hake, caught on a fishing line and bought in the wholesale fish auction of St Jean de Luz served with a thick tomato sauce and Sauce Xipister.  St Jean de Luzon is an important fishing port on the Atlantic coast of the department of Pyrénées-Atlantiques, the Pays Basque. Sauce Xipister, is a vinaigrette sauce from the Pays Basque made with olive oil, wine or Basque cider vinegar, garlic, herbs and Espelette pepper.

Baked hake with eggplant,
tomato, basil and crushed black olives
Photograph courtesy of Joselu Blanco

N.B. Menu listings that note that hake was caught with a fishing line may make a difference if the same fish had been farm raised.  However, hake is only caught in the wild; there are no hake fish farms.  Hake are either caught with trawls or with tens if not hundreds of trailing fishing lines. Enjoy the hake on the menu but don’t pay extra for hake caught on a fishing line.
N.B. Merluche is white hake, a different fish. White hake is caught in the Western Atlantic and reaches France as frozen filets.

Hake in the languages of France’s neighbors:
(Catalan - lluç), (Dutch – heek, stokvis), (German - seehecht). (Italian - nasello),  (Spanish – pijotilla).
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman
Copyright 2010, 2018, 2023.

Pot-au-Feu or Pot Bouilli – Pot on the Fire - France’s Most Famous Stew.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman

The pot-au-feu, a beef stew, was part of France’s culinary heritage long before Haute Cuisine.  Then, with the rise of a robust middle class after the French Revolution the pot-au- feu was raised to the heights of gastronomic art. Today’s well-schooled chefs remember their grandmother’s heavenly recipe for pot-au-feu that was served on a cold winter’s night; they have added the dish, and its wondrous tastes and smells to their Michelin starred restaurant’s menus.
The traditional pot-au-feu includes beef, marrow bones, carrots, turnips, leeks, celery, onions, potatoes, a clove-studded onion, garlic and a bouquet garni. There will be at least three different cuts of beef and the ingredients will be slowly cooked for hours.  
Occasionally the beef soup may be served first, followed by the boiled beef served with vegetables and gravy from the stew as the plat principal, the main course. Whether or not the soup is served separately is not that important, but the best traditional pot-au-feu’s are accompanied by fresh country bread, mustard, cornichons and those tasty small French pickled white onions.
Depending on the region and the chef’s tradition the recipe may be the traditional beef, or it may be veal or lamb; some versions may include chicken, duck, pork or sausages.  Many fish restaurant menus offer a pot au feu de la mer, a stew of sea fish and seafood. 
Pot-au-feu on French menus:

Pot-au-feu Albigeois - Pot-au-feu from the department of Tarn; it is made with added goose or duck confit. There are many regional versions of pot-au-feu, and the name of the region indicates the difference in the recipes. (Tarn is part of Languedoc- Roussillon now included in the super-region of Occitanie).
Pot au feu de Canard et Légumes Anciens – A duck stew with heirloom vegetables. The heirloom vegetables may include Jerusalem artichokes, multi-colored carrots, turnips, parsnips, and kohlrabi.
Pot-au-feu, Sauce Ravigote – A beef pot–a-feu served with a Sauce Ravigote.  Sauce Ravigote is a thick vinaigrette sauce made with mustard, eggs, olive oil, shallots, spring onions, chives, parsley, and chervil.  This sauce is served with many fish, shellfish, poultry and meat dishes.
Sauce Ravigote.
Pot-au-feu de Fruits de Mer au Bouillon Safrané – A seafood stew made with a saffron-flavored broth.
Pot au feu de Lapin– A rabbit stew.

Pot-au-feu- de la mer - A fish and seafood pot-au-feu.
Similar dishes with traditional names:
Azinat Ariégeois -  A pot-au-feu from Ariege. Ariege is a department in Midi-Pyrénées that became part of the new super-region of Occitanie that was created on 1-1-2016 when the regions of Midi-Pyrenees and Languedoc-Roussillon were joined.
Baeckeoffe or Potée Alsacienne  - From the Alsace; now part of the new super region of the Grand Est. This dish includes cuts of beef and pork or lamb and possibly goose and Alsatian sausages. The vegetables will include France's ubiquitous white haricot beans, onions, carrots, leeks, and potatoes.
Boeuf en Hochepot de Légumes Printaniers – Ox-tail stew with spring vegetables.  Here a meaty oxtail will be adding to or replacing the beef in the pot-au-feu. Oxtail stew is a traditional dish in Normandy and parts of the new super-region of Hauts de France as well as Belgium where it will be a Hochepot Flamand.  William the Conqueror came to England in 1066 and brought the French connection to the English kitchen including the hochepot. A hochepot includes all the leftovers in the kitchen and gave its name to odds and ends called a hodgepodge in the English language.

Bouilli or Pot bouilli – Another name for a pot-au-feu.
Garbure Gasconne - From the old province of Guyenne and Gascony now included in parts of the new super-regions of Nouvelle Aquitaine and Occitanie. Garbures, are thick vegetable soups that include ham, bacon, and duck, or goose confit. Gascony was home to the semi-fictional figures of  D’Artagnan from the Three Musketeers (born in Gers) and Cyrano de Bergerac (born in the Dordogne).
Kig ha Farz –  A pot-au-feu in the manner of Brittany.  The name comes from the Breton language which is related to the Celtic languages of Cornwall and Wales and used for many of Brittany's traditional dishes.  Here to the meats and vegetables of a pot-au-feu is added the “farz brujun” made from crumbly blé de sarrasin, buckwheat flour.  Buckwheat flour has a distinctive, mild, nutty taste and a dark color. Buckwheat is gluten-free. The French name for buckwheat flour, farine de sarrasin, stretches back to the crusades.
Potée Auvergnate - From the Auvergne, now part of the new super-region Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes.These potées will include duck, ham, salt pork, and pork sausages.
Beef and other meat or poultry stews were never part of the French peasant's food; the peasants lived on bread and vegetable soups with the occasional piece of meat or poultry added on religious holidays. 

The name Pot-au-Feu.
Pot-au-feu only reached French dictionaries in 1785-1795 according to Dictionary.Com: then the French revolution began, and France’s first restaurants were opening.The words pot-au-feu translates as a pot on the fire, and apart from the stew indicates the traditional earthenware casserole in which the ingredients were cooked. In French homes of the period, these casseroles would have been left to cook slowly on the heated stove all day and night with ingredients added to and taken out as needed.
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman
Copyright 2010, 2018, 2023.


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