Genièvre or Baie de Genièvre- Juniper Berries. Juniper Berries in French Cuisine.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Juniper berries
Seitseminen National Park, Finland.
Photograph courtesy of Leo-setä
Juniper berries are not really berries. The so-called berries are the tasty, dried, sour, blue-black, pods or cones that contain the juniper seeds. Fresh juniper pods are rarely seen as they need two years to ripen. So it is the dried juniper pods that are used for their flavor, like a herb.  The pods/berries are readily available and keep for a long time and will be found in every French kitchen and I will call them berries in this post.
The juniper is an evergreen bush from the conifer family, and it grows wild all over Europe. The dried pod is behind the flavor in hundreds of sauces, pastries, and of course gin.

Juniperus Communis
The most often seen European juniper tree and berry.
Juniper berries on French menus:
Dos de Saumon au Chou Alsacien, Beurre Blanc aux Baies de Genièvre – A thick cut of Atlantic salmon prepared with the unique Quintal d'Alsace cabbage served with a beurre blanc sauce flavored with juniper berries. (The Quintal d'Alsace cabbage is a cabbage hybrid that may grow to six or more kilos (13 lbs). Nevertheless, most of these cabbages are picked when quite small, around four kilos(8.8 lbs))!
Les Médaillons de Chamois aux Baies de Genièvre  - Round cuts of steak from a young mountain goat from the Alps, the mountain antelope, flavored with juniper berries.  A close cousin of this mountain goat is called the isard or izard and found in the Pyrenees where it will be on menus with similar recipes.
The Chamois
Juniper with its clear taste is traditionally used with game dishes. Wild game has a strong flavor, and the juniper provides some competition.  Cuts like the menu item above cannot come from an adult as steaks would be far too stringy. The meat from adults will be marinated in wine, flavored with juniper and then stewed.

Cotes de Sanglier à la St. Hubert Chops from a wild boar prepared in the manner of Saint Hubert.  St Hubert (656-727) is the Belgian patron Saint of the Belgian Ardennes’ region and its hunters. The hunters in the French Ardennes, across the border, have similar recipes and are also happy to have St. Hubert look after them. In season, game dishes are on the menus across the whole Ardennes.  This dish and many other St. Hubert dishes, were all created for wild game and any will be flavored with juniper berries. The French department of Ardennes is in the new super region of Le Grande Est.
Stewed wild boar with juniper berries
Jambon de Luxeuil or Jambon de Luxeuil Les Bains- This is a cured and smoked ham. It is produced around the spa town of Luxeuil-les-Bains in the north of the department of Haute-Saône in the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté.  The ham is marinated in salt and juniper berries and then lightly smoked before being hung for at least nine months.  Luxeuil-les-Bains is close to the town of Fougerolles where they make some of France’s best kirsch, the cherry liquor.
Les Rognons de Veau aux Baies de Genévrier Flambés au Genièvre – Veal kidneys prepared with juniper berries and served flambéed with gin.
La Terrine de Lapereau aux Baies de Genévrier – A hare pate flavored with juniper berries. (A hare is a lapereau and a rabbit is a lapin).
Ostrich pate with juniper berries.
Tournedos de Magret de Canard  Réduction au Quinoa et Genévrier – Thick cuts of duck breast served with a sauce made with the natural cooking liquids along with quinoa and juniper berries.
Behind gin’s popularity as a beverage is the physician Franciscus Sylvius (1614 –  1672). Sylvius was a respected Dutch doctor who recommended mixing juniper pods with alcohol along with other herbs that were sold in pharmacies for treating gallstones, gout and more. The Dutch names for gin are jenever, junever, and genièvre. Since Franciscus Sylvius put the drink on the market, the Dutch distilleries have never looked back.  Though how many people have been cured by drinking large quantities of gin is unknown.
Beefeater Gin
The English knew about gin long before the Dutch William of Orange and his wife, Mary became King and Queen of England, Ireland, and Scotland in 1689.  Nevertheless, gin’s popularity grew with the Dutch influence. Within 60 years of William and Mary arriving in England, the country was swamped with cheap unlicensed gin shops.  Gin became the drink of the poor, and most of the gin sold did not even contain any real juniper berries.
The Dutch universally get the credit for creating gin while the English take the credit for drinking the most gin per capita. The British justified their unlimited consumption of gin when they ruled India.  Then they drank gin and tonic, with added quinine, as quinine was part of the fight against malaria.
Tonic water with quinine
Quinine is Phosphorescent

The juniper berry, or pod, in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan – ginebre),(Dutch -  jeneverbes), (German - wacholder), (Italian - ginepr), (Spanish - enebro). (Provençal -  genèbre), (Latin - juniperus communis).


Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2013, 2017, 2019

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Clafoutis and Flagnardes, Flaugnardes or Flognardes on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Cherry Clafoutis

Clafoutis began as tarts made with a thick crêpe-like batter cooked together with sour cherries. They became so popular outside the old region of Limousin where they originated that when cherries were not in season chefs added other fresh fruits.  Following on that success, the Clafoutis expanded their territory.  Now we have breakfast Clafoutis with button mushrooms and tomatoes, light lunch Clafoutis with salmon or cheese and the main course at lunch or dinner may include a vegetable Clafoutis offered as a garnish.  Oh, and you can still have a Clafoutis with cherries or other fruits as a dessert. (The old region of Limousin included the departments of Corrèz, Creuse, and Haute-Vienne).

On 1-1-2016 the administrative region of Limousin was joined together with the regions of Aquitaine, and Poitou-Charentes in the new super-region of Nouvelle Aquitaine. The old regions' names will remain linked to the foods and wines that are named after them, but their borders will disappear from most maps. 
N.B. The word Clafoutis is pronounced kla-fou-tee, the “s” is silent, and it’s the same word whether you order one or ten Clafoutis.
Depending on the ingredients Clafoutis may be served hot, warm, or cold.  For a single diner, a Clafoutis will usually be made in a single serving dish with a large Clafoutis also being seen when a whole table or a number of patrons make the same order.  Some travel guides refer to a Clafoutis as a flan or pie. However, since the French own the product; and they call Clafoutis a tarte, they are a tart in English.
A Cherry Clafoutis
Clafoutis on French menus:
Clafoutis au Reblochon de Savoie et aux Quetsches - A Clafoutis prepared with quetsche plums and France’s Reblochon AOP cow’s milk cheese from the Savoie. The quetsche plum is a mauve to almost black plum that has a fragrant and sweet yellow flesh; it is oval shaped with nearly pointed ends. The quetsche’s nearest UK relation is the damson plum which is not as sweet.

Clafoutis aux Abricots   A Clafoutis with apricots;    

Clafoutis aux Griottes–  A Clafoutis with France’s griottes, sour cherries; the original recipe.  
A black raspberry clafoutis with ice-cream.
(Black raspberries are a North American rasberry family member)
Clafoutis aux Tomates et aux Fromages de Chèvre – A Clafoutis with tomatoes and goat’s cheese.

Clafoutis aux Pommes, Servi Tiède et Glace au Calvados –  A Clafoutis made with apples and served warm with ice cream flavored with Calvados.  Calvados and there are three distinct types, is Normandy’s famous Calvados AOC Apple brandy.     

Clafoutis de Saumon Salade Mêlée - A Clafoutis made with salmon and served with a mixed salad.  Salmon in France is the Atlantic salmon.

A Clafoutis with plums and almonds
Clafoutis de Chèvre et Olives et sa Frisée aux Petits Lardons – A Clafoutis served with a warmed goat’s cheese and olives accompanied by a small salad made with the crispy curly endive flavored with small bacon pieces.  The Frisée or Chicorée or Endive Frisée is the curly endive.  It looks like a lettuce with outer green leaves that curl and in a salad, it adds a slight crunch with a pleasant but slightly bitter taste.  The lighter-colored inner leaves are milder and are considered the best for salads.

Now that Clafoutis are on menus for breakfast, lunch, and dinner that creates problems with Limousine’s other famous tart, the flangnarde also called the flognarde or flaugnarde.  (The name used depends on tradition, and are pronounced with the letter g silent, so flaugnarde is pronounced flo-nyard). 

In the Occitan language, the word Flaugnards is said to come from the word fleunhe meaning soft, and that will describe the texture of a Flaugnard and a Clafouti.  (Occitan is the language that lost out to French when the country looked for a single unifying language).

Flaugnardes and Flognardes on French menus:

Flaugnarde Pomme-Poire à la Fève Tonka – A Flaugnard with apples and pears flavored with the Tonka bean.  The Tonka bean is a plant of South American origins with a strong aroma and used as a spice. I have never had the opportunity to smell or taste the Tonka bean on its own but the aroma is said to resemble vanilla with a touch of almonds and cinnamon and it is mostly used in aniseed-flavored drinks like pastis.
Flaugnarde de Nèfles aux Pommes –  A Flaugnarde with loquats and apples. When cooked apples are on the menu it is nearly always Granny Smith’s.

Flognarde Pomme et Cannelle – An apple Flognarde flavored with cinnamon.
Flognarde aux Pommes, Glace Vanille -  A Flognarde with apples and vanilla ice cream.
Flognarde aux Mirabelles – A Flognarde made with the Mirabelle plum; a small, yellow to reddish plum that is France’s favorite plum for confitures, jams, and conserves.  The Mirabelle developed locally in the old region of the Lorraine in Northern France most probably from trees that were imported by the Romans, who imported cherries, apricots, and peaches, or it may have been other traders.  The origins of the plum are to the north-east of modern Turkey and the adjacent Caucasus,

Still, the world center for the modern Mirabelle is the Lorraine and while not everyone has heard of the Mirabelle plum or even the Lorraine everyone has heard of the Quiche Lorraine.  Since 1-1-2016 the region of Lorraine together with the regions of Alsace, famous for its cuisine and wines, and the Champagne-Ardenne, famous for Champagne, have become parts of the new French super-region of the Grande Est, the Great East. 

Limousin will, however, remain on the culinary map of France. As you drive around the Limousin breed of cattle is recognizable by their chestnut red coloring.  Their name may not be on many menus, but nearly every restaurant offering steaks, roasts or daubs without an AOC/AOP, a Label Rouge or a named source will be offering Limousin beef.
Limousin bull.

Restaurant cheese trays on Limousin will include French AOP cheeses as well as first-rate Limousin cheeses that only rarely make it to fromageries, cheese shops, outside the area.  The best local cheeses include the Geuille du Limousin, the Leconet and Saint Pierre goat’s milk cheeses and the Gouzon and Millevaches cow’s milk cheeses.

All around the old region of Limousin are places where the weather, soil are high altitude are said to be especially good for apples.  Here grown France’s only AOP apple the Pomme du Limousin AOC, the Golden Delicious apple of Limousin.  Like other regions with particular routes for wines or cheeses the Limousin has a Route de Pommes, an apple road, You can take that and enjoy apples and cider along with cheeses and stop off for lunch or dinner at restaurants offering Limousin Beef.  All local Tourist Information Offices offer directions.

For something other than culinary enjoyment in Limousin visit the City of Limoges, This is capital the capital of the department of  Haute-Vienne and the home of Limoges porcelain The Museum Adrien Dubouché with its unique porcelain collection has an English language website:

Limoge town hall.
Then visit the small town of Aubusson in the department of Creuze so famous for the Aubusson tapestry.  The Departmental Museum of Tapestry has an astonishing collection but their website is in French only but easily understood using the Google or Bing Translate apps:

A place to sit down and rest in the Tapestry Museum Aubusson


Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman


Copyright 2010, 2013, 2018, 2019

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