Daurade Rose or Pagre à Points Bleus - Bluespotted Seabream, the fish, on French Menus.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman




Bluespotted Seabream
The Bluespotted Seabream, Red Seabream or the Golden Porgy in the USA. This is a tasty fish with delicate, white, flaky meat. Large fish are usually baked as chefs prefer to cook this fish whole as it keeps in all the flavor and will be served as filets. Smaller fish will be on the menu fried, grilled or steamed. The fish is caught all around the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic near Portugal and the African coast.
The Bluespotted Seabream on French menus:

Daurade Rose Grillée aux Fenouil et Girolles – Grilled filet of bluespotted seabream served with fennel and wild chanterelle mushrooms.
Orange and fennel seabream.

Daurade Rose Rôtie aux Épices et Ragoût de Févettes – The bluespotted seabream roasted with spices and served with a stew of fava beans.

Filet de Daurade Rose Rôtie sur Peau, Beurre de Citron Vert – Filet of bluespotted seabream roasted in its skin and flavored with a lime butter.

Les Nems Crevettes et Daurade Rose, Sauce Chili Douce et Menthe Fraîche Egg rolls of shrimps and bluespotted seabream served with a sweet chili sauce accented with fresh mint.

Pagre Point Bleu, Grillé sur Peau Roquette Tombée et Radis Noir Pulpe de Citron – Bluespotted seabream grilled in its skin and served with cooked rocket and black radish flavored with lemon pulp. (Tombée means fallen in French, but when used for vegetables and fruits it means they have been cooked and significantly reduced in size. Black radishes are from the same family as red radishes but with an outside black skin that has a sharp bite. Fresh they will usually be served skinned. Here they will have been cooked like turnips together with the rocket).

Bluespotted seabream prepared with lemon and rosemary.
Tartare de Daurade Rose, Citron Vert et Gingembre - A fish Tartar made with the Bluespotted Seabream and flavored with lime and ginger.

The Daurade Rose is not to confused with the Dorade Royale, the Gilthead Sea Bream, that may also be on some menus with the name Daurade. The Bluespotted Seabream, the Daurade Rose is caught at sea while its cousin the Gilthead Seabream is mostly a farmed fish.

Bluespotted seabream in the languages of France’s neighbors:

(Catalan -  pagre reial),(Dutch - goud brasem), (German – blaufleckenbrasse), (Italian –   pagro reale maschiom), (Spanish – hurta, zapata).
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Copyright 2010, 2017.

Shiitake or Lentin du Chêne –The Shiitake Mushroom in French Cuisine. The Mushrooms of France VIII.

Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



Shiitake mushrooms.
The shiitake mushroom was well-known from Japanese and Chinese cuisine, but it was only some thirty years ago that French chefs seriously began experimenting with the Shiitake mushroom and including it in French cuisine.  
Fresh shiitake in the market.

The "Champignon" shiitake was, at the outset, only seen in France as a dried import but as the first French farmed shiitake mushrooms entered the French market, it became widely identified with its umami taste that was a new concept in French cuisine. That along with its meaty texture made it a success.   (The umami taste is an earthy, savory flavor that highlights other tastes.  It is the fifth taste identified by our taste bud receptors and is added to our other tastes sweet, sour, bitter and salty).
Shiitake mushrooms on French Menus:

Côtelettes d'Agneau En Croûte de Fines Herbes, Ragoût de Shiitake et Asperge – Lamb chops prepared in an en croute covering made of France’s most important herb group, the Fine Herbs and served with a stew of shiitake mushrooms and asparagus.
Filet de Bœuf, Purée de Carottes Cumin et Gingembre, Duxelles de Shiitake- A beef fillet, a cut from the tenderloin, served with a carrot puree flavored with cumin and ginger and accompanied by a shiitake duxelles. (Duxelles are finely chopped  mushrooms, shallots, and herbs cooked in butter, one of the oldest French culinary creations).
Cultivating shiitake.
Fricassée de Ris de Veau aux Lentins de Chêne sur Lit d'Epinards- A stew of veal sweetbreads prepared with shiitake mushrooms and served on a bed of spinach.
Pinces de Crabe et Champignons Shiitake – Crab claws served with Shiitake mushrooms. The crab claws may come France’s favorite crab,  the crabe tourteau,  the edible brown crab, or more probably imported frozen pincers from the crabe de neige, the snow crab.
Baby bok choy cabbage, chicken, and shiitake mushrooms.

Risotto Carnaroli aux Mousseron et aux Shiitake – A risotto of the wild St. George's mushroom and the shiitake mushrooms using carnaroli rice.  Carnaroli rice is grown over the French border in the Italian region of Piedmont; which is the same region that produces the Arborio and Baldo rice.  Carniola is considered, by the cognoscenti, and that includes all French chefs, to be even better for risottos than the other two varieties of rice.
Shiitake risotto
Suprême de Volaille Farcis au Shiitake, Jus Corsé Breast of chicken stuffed with shiitake mushrooms and served with dish’s natural cooking juices.
The Chinese were farming Shiitake mushrooms at least 400 years before the earliest western success that would lead to France cultivating the Champignon de Paris,  the button mushroom. The French words chêne means oak and the shiitake was traditionally grown on oak tree logs which give it one of its French names, the Lentin de  Chêne.  
Kohlrabi salad with roasted shiitakes

Shitake mushrooms have the umami taste that enhances the taste of other foods; these, savory, taste buds receptors were pinpointed by the scientist Kikunae Ikeda in Japan in 1907; the Japanese word umami indicates savory and delicious. Ikeda gave this taste its name and also patented the umami seasoning that contains MSG (monosodium L-glutamate) that he identified.

(Catalan – xiitake), (Dutch - shiitake), (German –shiitakepilz), (Italian - fungo giapponese),(Spanish - hongo shii-take).
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Behind the French Menu
Bryan G. Newman



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